The Supers

The Supers
Our growing superfamily

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Two-Year-Old is Insane

You would think that if you were chronically afflicted with the nastiest heartburn ever recorded in human history, particularly when lying down and trying to sleep, you would have more sense than to make and consume a lemon meringue pie at nine o’clock at night. Clearly not my most brilliant moment. I’m not sure how many Tums I fed myself throughout my sleep, but I do remember fumbling for the bottle a few times. And moaning. I must be an absolute pleasure to sleep with these days.

I woke up in the morning with the most sour, inhospitable stomach. Clearly it was not going to be a Coffee Day. It would not be a day which starts with the pleasant jolt of caffeine soothing my sleep-deprived mama brain. A day which starts with the bitter relief of the magic wake-ups. Alas, no, my sour stomach would only permit me a glass of milk. As I turned, bleary-eyed, to survey the rainstorm raging outside, I knew today was going to be difficult.

The morning actually went quite well. We had a great play at Strong Start, and it was one of those days when I was able to find a balance in playing with both kids. There were a few times when Skyler wandered off to do her own thing, but she let me come and play with her here and there. I should just appreciate that my daughter is able to entertain herself since my son so clearly is not, but I feel so rebuffed! Am I not fun? Do I not make good voices for the dollies? Am I really just getting in the way?

It was around lunchtime, back at home, that Skyler’s head started spinning 360 degrees. Because she is insane. She went from pleasant and happy and cooperative to raging, freaking insanity in 3.6 seconds. The thing is, she’s a very little girl. When she screams at the top of her lungs, it’s ineffectual. It’s just not that loud. I have to admit, I find it extremely difficult to not laugh at her when she is running from one end of the house to the other yelling, “NO NO NO NO NONONONONONOOOOO!!!!” Because she is just so little, and so ANGRY. A tiny little angry wingnut. It infuriates her more when I laugh at her, or when I try to hug it out with her, or talk to her, or interact with her in any way. I just have to let her scream it out. So I put her in her room, let her know to come out when she’s all done, and I find something to play with Marcus. And the two of us sometimes laugh about his crazy sister, because he can’t actually remember being two, and being insane. Then, after some time passes, Skyler comes out of her room and starts playing with us, as if nothing happened. Crazy. Person.

So after nap today, I had some more pie. It’s important to be a good role model for the crazy people too.


  1. Sarah, you have a gift with words and description. I was laughing so hard at this particular post, as I am just entering this stage. Although my husband doesn't quite understand toddlers or realize that it is normal behaviour at times, she is not trying to ruin everyone's evening. I also, can relate to the insane heartburn, however, I could only want an entire lemon pie, as my diabetic team surely wouldn't approve, I'd have to slam a bunch more insulin LOL which isn't worth it! Keep these coming, I can't wait to read more and you inspire me as a staying at home mom with wee ones to know I am not the only woman going through days such as this!

  2. Oh Shannon, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Lately she has become a true-blue two-year-old. I vaguely remember my son being a handful at this age, but I think I've blocked a lot of it out. The most awesomest is when she really wants to do something by herself but it is something she is not physically capable of doing. ANGRY!!! LOL
