The Supers

The Supers
Our growing superfamily

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Raising Boys

Well, I bought the book that had the testosterone theory but was thoroughly under-impressed. I did not like the author’s writing style, and found the book content underwhelming at best. The main gist of the book was a. Fathers are important, b. Boys are different to raise than girls, and c. A bunch of stuff about adolescence that I didn’t bother reading as I’m not at that stage yet. So anyhow, I already knew those first two things, but didn’t get any advice or info on HOW to raise my son differently than my daughters. The only thing reading the book really did for me was it got me thinking about the positives of having a little boy. Here’s what I came up with.

His imagination is so very different than mine. I can stretch my brain into new shapes playing superheroes and flying around the living room, or super spies sneaking around the house. I can watch him manipulate his toys into doing all sorts of boyish things and having all sorts of boyish conversations. He is my window into the world of all things men.

He appreciates a good fart joke, and I’ve discovered that I’ve got plenty to share.

He loves to be physically active. We can ride bikes in circles for hours, or play tag or hide n go seek. He has boundless amounts of energy that although at times can be exhausting, can also be exhilarating.

He is careful with his affection and only brings it out from time to time. I feel special when he chooses to hug and kiss me. I feel like magic when I can make him giggle with abandon.

He makes me brave. I have to touch bugs and worms and snakes when I'm with him so that I can help make him brave too.

He is a careful guardian of his two sisters. He can drive Skyler wild with fury, but he is also loving and kind with her, and if she falls down or gets hurt he comes and gets me right away with wide-eyed concern. He always lets me know if he hears Talia crying in her crib. When he gets himself a drink of water at dinner he always gets Skyler a cup as well. At times I marvel at his caring. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Even if at times Skyler’s cup has three drops of water in it and his is overflowing.

Boys are amazing little people. They are completely exhausting but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

See, I’ve completely let that whole “flushing the stuffie down the toilet” incident go. Well, for the most part.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that book was a dud. Glad you discovered all that cool Marcus jazz though...he is an awesome dude :)
